Integrative Healthcare
You are unique.
Your healthcare must be too.
We believe... Your body naturally strives toward health and well-being. To achieve this, all barriers to great health must be removed to promote self-healing. Only then, can your true expressions of strength and vitality emerge.
What does Integrative care involve?
How are your pathways to health established?
Health history
Metabolic assessment
Exams (physical, cranial-dental, optometric, chiropractic, neurological, & orthopedic)
Neurotransmitter evaluation
Functional laboratory tests
Stress evaluation
What techniques are used?
Bio / Neuro-chemical Balancing
Cranial Manipulative Therapy
Chiropractic Treatments
Neuro-Emotional Technique
Co-management with top specialists
function optimization
Teaching selfcare
Environmental ergonomics
Sacral-Occipital Technique and Craniopathy
Cranial-Dental Integration
Functional Nutrition
Neuro-Emotional Technique
Strength and Conditioning
Video testimonial from a Software Engineer
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