S.O.T. & Craniaopathy
Sacro-Occipital Technique (S.O.T.) is a comprehensive and advanced Chiropractic concept pioneered and developed by M.B. DeJarnette, D.C., D.O. For more than half a century Dr. DeJarnette researched and studied every aspect of anatomy and physiology and clinically found that there are a few structural distortion patterns that alter normal body functions. In addition to the commonly addressed Chiropractic spinal issues, Dr. DeJarnette found the cranial bones and their surrounding structures can cause central nervous system problems, that in turn affect the body organs and overall health. This connection between cranium, spine, spinal cord and pelvis is often overlooked or ignored by most other Chiropractic systems.
Dr. David Lepp restores proper function and normal balance to the body by stabilizing the cranium, spine, and pelvis using advanced S.O.T. He uses S.O.T.'s strength of recognizing the importance of body language in the form of neurological tests, muscle strength/weakness, body tenderness, and other signs and indicators to determine the type of treatment needed. Then, Dr. Lepp uses spinal adjustments, pelvic stabilization, soft tissue manipulation, cranial adjustment, and neurological balancing in his correction of your various distortion patterns.
S.O.T. remains one of the most comprehensive, progressive, contemporary, and thoroughly researched techniques available to chiropractors today.
Patients just starting with S.O.T. care will often notice great improvement in a short time. Reduced pain and improved function in all parts of the body are some of the key areas in which patients see results.
For more information:
www.SORSI.com - Sacro Occipital Research Society International
www.SOTO-USA.org - A non-profit organization for the Sacro Occipital Technique method of chiropractic developed by Dr. M. B. DeJarnette
Scaro-Occiptal Techinque (S.O.T.) Overview (PDF) |